NHS Continuing Care Funding
The rules and guidance for NHS Continuing Care (CHC) funding are complex, but the funding can be very valuable, as the funding covers the whole of the assessed needs of the person, [...]
The rules and guidance for NHS Continuing Care (CHC) funding are complex, but the funding can be very valuable, as the funding covers the whole of the assessed needs of the person, [...]
Dying and bereavement When a family member is terminally ill, everyone deals with that information in different ways, that includes the person themselves. The Kubler-Ross model has 5 stages: Denial, [...]
Do Not Resuscitate - Completing a TEP Firstly, what on earth is a TEP? Many of us will have heard of DNR orders, but have no idea what a TEP is, [...]
Carers feel alone & bullied In recent weeks, I’ve attended a couple of assessment meetings to advocate on behalf of a client, one of which was a PIP assessment and at [...]
Appeals If an assessment has been unsuccessful, then it may be worthwhile appealing. There are 2 reasons for appeal, one is that the process has not been correctly followed and the other [...]
NHS Continuing Care Funding – The Recommendation Having gone through the 11 named domains and the mop up clause of domain 12, the next part to consider is the recommendation. As [...]
Domain 12 Domain 12 is the additional place to put something that has not already been covered by the first 11 domains (as there is no double scoring). There is no [...]
Domain 11 – Altered States of Consciousness (ASC) This domain has an anomaly within it. The National Framework says that the diagnosis of any one condition is not the reason to [...]
Domain 10 – Drug Therapies and Medication This domain is split into 2 areas; it is about pain and the management of medications. I’m going to discuss the pain bit at [...]
Domain 9 – Breathing This domain is about the physical ability to breathe, which can be affected by psychological issues, such as panic attacks. Usually when breathing is affected by psychological [...]